7-day money-back offer

If it's not the right car for you, we offer a 7 day vehicle handback.

10-year warranty

Rest assured, your car is covered by our 10 Year Warranty Plan.

Certified Mechanical Inspection

Examined by professionals to ensure it is ready to hit the road.

2019 Ford Ranger XLS PX MkIII 4X4
2019 Ford Ranger XLS PX MkIII 4X4
2019 Ford Ranger XLS PX MkIII 4X4
2019 Ford Ranger XLS PX MkIII 4X4

2019 Ford Ranger XLS PX MkIII 4X4


Unfortunately this car recently sold.
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163,945 km

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  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Sat: 8:00am-12:00pm
  • Sun: Closed
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